Saturday, 3 November 2012

Serious talk

I'm not a hugger. I hate hugging people. However, if you're feeling sad and you need a hug, I will hug you until you feel calm :) Honestly, whenever I'm down, I dislike it when people ask me to be patient and chill. That's just show how much you don't care. If you're sad and you refer to me for some advice, I will give you advice related to religion. As in myself, I love so much when people calm me down by saying things related to religion. For instance, "Be patient, Allah hears" Yeah, that makes me calmer. Simply because when I'm sad, I would love someone to say something that make me realize that shits happened to me is just a small matter that I CAN handle. Why? Because God knows the best. And I want myself to always remember Allah S.W.T. I want myself to realize that He has given so much to me and yet I am far away from being grateful. I am far away from loving what I own. I complaint so much while He has given me everything I needed. I am seriously not pious. But that's just my own way calming people down. And i love giving advice that way. I'd love to advice myself sometimes because I really like the way I advice people. And when I'm advising people, I am automatically advising myself. And I would like people to remember Allah S.W.T too when they're sad. I'm sorry if anyone doesn't like my way of advising. You can find other people though.

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